Monday, May 24, 2010


I don't intend to make this a dream blog. But I just had a very weird and detailed dream and I wanted to write it down somewhere.

So the dream took place at my parents' house. Not as it is in reality. In the dream my parents had been remodeling the house to resemble a one floor mansion made out of adobe. There were a lot of rooms and large hallways with lush pillows and seating to hang out on. We must have been having some sort of weekend long party because a lot of people were milling about the grounds.Yes, the grounds.

I was walking around with some of my friends and kind of making the social rounds. I see Jessi and Matt and start talking to them and catching up. Jessi makes a comment in passing about Matt going on a date (with another girl). This confused me so I kept trying to get her alone to tell me about this 'date'. I finally get her alone and start coaxing the story out of her.

First she starts to tell me how one of her other friends has been trying to talk her out of going to medical school. I said I agreed that she shouldn't go because seeing all the sick people would remind her about how sick she is and she might get more infections from being around so many sick people. Or something like that. Then I ask her how this all relates to Matt's 'date' and what that was about.

Finally, she tells me that she found out he had been seeing a girl he met in 2009 when he was in school and they had been sleeping together since then. And I said, "so he has been cheating on you?" And she got mad at said that's why she didn't want to talk to anyone about it. She didn't want people giving her rash advice to leave him or something. And I told her that if I were her I would leave him but that doesn't mean she should. I said that she had two other options. One, they could agree to some ground rules that were equal, i.e. both of them could have outside partners. Or they would have to figure out why he did this and how to prevent it from happening again.

Then we started talking about other stuff because I saw how withdrawn and quiet she was getting (which is not like Jessi, at all). And then I woke up when Sammy rolled over onto my legs.

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